
insomnia, can't fall asleep, wake up, early wake, can't get back to sleep

Do you ever say “I have always had bad sleep” or “I have never been a good sleeper”?

Aaahhhh sleep glorious sleep (or not so glorious!)…..

Poor sleep can be the result of MANY things. And yes, that’s why it is so difficult to rectify. As one of my mentors used to say “sleep can be the first symptom to appear and also the last to resolve”. Not a very hopeful prospect is it?

But physiologically, your melatonin levels increase in the evening to enable a sleepy, dreamy state and then around 4-5am cortisol is at it’s peak to allow you to bounce out of bed full of beans. But for many people this is not the case. Late onset, wake up and then can’t fall back to sleep or just light sleeping that makes you feel like you haven’t had any sleep at all. It can be different for everyone.

Sleep can also be one of those things that the more you focus on it, the worse it gets…

Factors to explore with sleep issues:

  • medication

  • history of sleep patterns

  • nervous system

  • cortisol levels

  • food intake/eating habits

  • stimulants

  • exercise

  • sleep hygiene

  • life stressors

  • employment

There are a variety of natural remedies that can be used to support healthy sleep patterns; if you feel this is an area that you need support with, I am happy to help you reach your desired goals.

insomnia, sleep remedies, can't sleep, awake