Mental Health, Microbiome, Mind, Movement, Stress Sarah Chopra Mental Health, Microbiome, Mind, Movement, Stress Sarah Chopra

Supporting Your Mental Health

As things start to return to normal for us folk in Perth , Western Australia, there are other places in Australia and the rest of the world that are still feeling the pinch of Coronavirus.

Today I visited my local beauticians. I am not generally one for waxing and spending money on such things, but I guess it is the usual feeling of when things are suddenly taken away from you- you miss them!

There have been many a funny meme on social media of image of (mostly women) people that had regrowth, broken nails and hairy legs and eyelashes falling of their faces. You honestly have to laugh of the first world problems that we live in.

While many businesses have their staff working from home, I am back at taking face to face clients. It was so lovely to step back into the space that I know and love - EarthPoint Energy Centre in East Perth. It is a combination of the smell, the amazing women that I work along side with and the atmosphere that does something supportive to your nervous system.

I hindsight, I hope this pandemic has made more people aware about the importance of mental health during these times. Fortunately for me I have been one of the lucky ones. But for many, the home environment can be volatile and unsafe. Or the workplace can be for some people their only interaction with others and gives them a sense of belonging.

Has this time been a positive or negative experience for you?

The amount of online services supporting people’s wellbeing has increased greatly from free mediation sessions, online yoga classes and Zoom meetings.

My 3 pillars to health: MIND, MOVEMENT & MICROBIOME are always at the forefront of my mind for creating an ideal life for my clients. For if we don’t have a balance of all of these components, then we can become out of balance and experience low mood or digestive upsets.

I know living or even attempting to live a healthy lifestyle can be daunting and overwhelming. Knowing where to start can be off putting and can often lead to no action at all.

My approach is always taking one step at a time and focus on what is the easiest for you. No use in setting you up for failure before you have even started!

If you feel you need support with your mood or your tummy troubles….fill out my online enquiry form and see if I can help you.

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Mental Health, Mind, Movement, Stress sarahc Mental Health, Mind, Movement, Stress sarahc

Know Your Stress Triggers

There is one culprit that has a lot to answer for, and that my friends is stress. Many times I will have a client in front of me that has symptoms due to long term stress. And they will often reply 'But I don't feel stressed!'

Stressed women

There is one culprit that has a lot to answer for, and that my friends is stress.

Many times I will have a client in front of me that has symptoms due to long term stress. And they will often reply 'But I don't feel stressed!' Then 3 months later I will see them again and they may have made some significant changes in their life such as quitting their job or reducing their daily load. And many of them will reflect and say...'Yeah, I feel so much better now I think I was under a lot of stress back then.'

By all means I don't want you to race out and quit your day job (unless you really want to). But it's when we finally slow down and STOP, that we realise how busy we are and what for?

Our bodies are very adaptable vehicles and will adjust your responses to stress in a way that we can adapt without noticing. Think about all of the little 'stresses' we have in our daily lives......

  • 24/7 access to notifications (email, texts, group chats, social apps and calendar reminders) from your mobile (don't forget the 'pings and dings' that can come with those notifications)

  • Work demands

  • Health demands- Fitness, diet and lifestyle

  • Community demands- Clubs, schools, business, friends all expecting a piece of you

  • Future concerns

  • Past conversations going over in your head

  • Financial worries

  • Relationship concerns

  • Expectations that you need to fit it ALL in with ease.....

How does our body respond to these little stressors?

  • Your adrenals will release cortisol and adrenaline to get ready to fight the threat. You see, our mind has no way of differentiating between a real stress (the Saber tooth tiger kind) or the answering your daily email stress- it's all the same!

  • With this added adrenal spark, your sympathetic nervous system will kick into action- your pupils will dilate, heart beat will increase, blood pressure will rise, digestion will slow down, sugar will stay in your blood stream (so you have enough energy for action) and your immune system will kick in to put out the potential fire threat.

  • Have you ever gone on holidays and then on the first couple of days you end up getting sick? Argh! So frustrating! This happens because when you are busy at work, your adrenals are in full swing- putting out the fire with all the anti-inflammatory guys (a.k.a immune system). As soon as the fire goes away (work), so does your cortisol levels. And then bingo! A bug comes in from the back door and you get sick from exhaustion.

  • Short term this is okay, but long term stress can disrupt your bodies natural response and end up getting what is called cortisol resistance. Your body starts to not respond because the stress is there ALL THE TIME. Your immune system will drop and inflammation gets out of control...

How do you react to stress?

I know when I have a full schedule on the things that are good for me and would actually support me in times of stress (or even busyness), are the first to get dropped.

Exercise? Who has time for exercise when your chasing your tail?

Eat well? (scoff), Let's just be thankful that the family gets some form of food into them (even if it is just from one food group and the same colour). No prizes for best phyto nutrient dish in this house that's for sure!

And generally that's not where it ends. Because your day is so time poor you end up staying up later = less sleep.

You may reward yourself with a bickie or two. You may even feel the need to 'unwind' with a glass of wine...

At the time these stress releases may seem ideal, but you will end up burning the candle at both ends and disrupting your circadian rhythm and increase more of your sympathetic nervous system by adding stimulants as your coping mechanisms.

We have all done it. But how can you make better choices to support your stress response?

The most difficult part is identifying your stress triggers. Most of the time we just continue in the rat race thinking this is normal. Think about your actions AND your emotions (sometimes this is the easiest at the end of the day- but whatever works for you). Make a little self note of you might be reacting to a situation instead of responding to it.

Like I said, this is not easy. Even if you do know what your triggers are, the hardest part can be changing your reaction. Short term rewards that aren't beneficial to your health may seem great at the time (otherwise we wouldn't do them!), but how are they affecting you long term.

Are you stimulating your nervous system instead of supporting it? (eating sweets, staying up late, watching copious amounts of T.V, drinking coffee or alcohol, eating take away foods with little nutritional value).

These go-to's can be okay as a one off. But repeating this behaviour is not helping you in the long run. Try replacing these responses or actions with things that will nourish you. Here are some examples:

  • Go for a walk

  • Read a book

  • Put your T.V watching on a timer (30 minutes)

  • Have a bath

  • Go in a quiet room, close your eyes and notice the sensations of your breath as you breath in and out

  • Ring a friend or relative - sharing (or venting) does wonders for your soul)

  • Unplug- yep you heard me!

  • Schedule some joy into your life

To help you identify your triggers, download my Know Your Triggers Work Sheet here

If you would like to ask a question regarding your health, please contact me.

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What is a naturopath?


I often get a puzzled look when someone asks me what 'I do'. So I thought there must be a lot of people that don't know what a naturopath is. And it's kinda tricky to say too, isn't it?

What a naturopath studies...…

A naturopath student requires four years of studying to get their degree. And over this time we are taught many things such as:

  • Herbal medicine- how to use herbs to treat common health conditions that will enable your body to regain balance, support and tonify any weakened systems.

  • Nutrition- nutritional bio-chemistry was one of my favourite subjects when I was studying. I loved learning all about the vitamins and minerals (it doesn't just end there either) and what foods they are found in, how your body processes them and what functions they have within our body. Food and what you eat is such an integral part of what naturopaths do!

  • Body systems- from the immune to reproductive, naturopaths learn all about the body and how the systems work together (and perhaps not work together).

  • Diseases- yep, we know the basics AND the not so easy ones too. This is when you might come across a naturopath that 'specialises' in a particular area. Just like you find specialists like a gynaecologist in main stream health care.

  • Diagnostic Testing- to help get a better picture on your health, a naturopath might ask you to go for extra testing. This can be from bloods to stool or even your hair! Naturopaths will have a general understanding of any previous tests that you may have had done in the past too.

 Naturopaths treat the whole person, not just the symptoms.

  • Case taking- Your first consultation with a naturopath will be generally the longest. We take your full health history, talk about what is happening in your body systems and what has been working for you or not working for you. Some naturopaths might even do a little bit of 'in house' testing such as, take your blood pressure, weight or blood glucose.

  • Iridology- Naturopaths have studied iridology as a student. this is where a microscope is used to look at your iris and see if there are any weakened areas within your body. Did you know your organs are represented in your eyes?

  • Tongue and nail analysis- checking your tongue and nails give naturopaths extra clues on how your body is functioning. Every little bit of information helps.

  • Emotions- How you are as a person is very important to us. Are you sensitive? Do you get stressed easily? Do you loose your temper? Sometimes this can take a little bit of time to work out, especially in the early days.

  • Lifestyle- How do you live your life? Do you work full time? do you care for others? How do you destress? Your lifestyle plays a huge part in your current health status. Diet and lifestyle advice is always given.

  • Evidence Based Research- Naturopaths use critical based research to support their treatment protocols.

  • Treatment- Naturopaths will generally offer herbal and nutritional support to help with your healing. Diet advice is given and if this is not enough supplements are prescribed when needed. Short term and long term treatment plans are established, so you don't feel overwhelmed. After all, we just really want you to feel great again!

In a nut shell...…..

A naturopath offers support, education and treatment that you want to do. Our job is to empower you and take control of your health, so that you can achieve your health goals.If you would like to book an appointment to reach your health goals, check out what is available in the online booking system below. var initResizer = function() { iframes = iFrameResize({}, "#widget-inline-embed"); }

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Mental Health, Mind, Stress sarahc Mental Health, Mind, Stress sarahc

Mental health - Part 1

A few weeks ago it was Mental Health week here in Western Australia, which also included World Mental Health Day on the 10th of October. And according to The World Health Organisation, 50% of mental health illnesses begin at the age of 14! Almost half (45%) of people aged between 16-85 years of age will experience mental illness.Mental health statistics are on the rise, and according to the Black Dog Institute, 1 in 5 (20%) Australians will suffer from a mental health condition during their lifetime.Mental illnesses/disorders cover a range of conditions (not just limited to) such as:

  • Depression

  • Bipolar

  • Schizophrenia

  • Post traumatic stress disorder

  • Anxiety disorders

Why the rise in statistics?

Have I just opened a can of worms?There would be very few people that would be able to pin point WHY they may now suffer from a mental illness/disorder. There are definite obvious reasons and risk factors that someone may be more susceptible than others. They can be:

  • Experiencing a traumatic event

  • Family history of mental illness (genetic)

  • Environmental

  • Toxicity

  • Substance abuse/addictions

  • Chemical imbalance

The list can go on. But in recent years the added impact of social media use (especially at a young age), can greatly contribute to mental health and the added pressures that go along with this (low self esteem, social pressures etc.)Or is it just the fact that we are becoming aware of this growing issue, and as a society becoming more empathetic?I will just let you ponder on that for a moment!

One of the first things I do within my clinic is have my clients take a blood test to make sure that their nutrient levels are at optimum levels.

Nutrients play a huge part in our mood and so does inflammation. So you can understand that if you are deficient in a vitamin that plays a massive part in mood (e.g B12), then it's worth getting tested. The main food sources of B12 actually come from dairy, fish/meat and eggs. Vegans are a big risk a being deficient in this vitamin and should be taking supplements to compensate this. But B12 also needs a substance called intrinsic factor. Intrinsic factor is secreted from the small intestine; and when there is inflammation within the small intestine, intrinsic factor secretion can be inhibited.To know if you have inflammation within the small intestine, you can determine this by what symptoms you maybe experiencing. You may have:

  • diarrhoea

  • constipation

  • stomach pain

  • food intolerances

  • auto immune condition

  • post infection

But that is just looking at B12!To understand if you have inflammation within your body, doesn't necessarily mean you will be in pain. I think we often think they always co-exist, but they don't necessarily.Basic blood tests that you get from your GP, can identify if you have inflammation within your body system (systemic inflammation).Examples are:

  • Liver enzyme- GGT

  • Bilirubin levels

  • White cell count

  • C Reactive Protein levels

  • Homocysteine levels

  • Cortisol levels

  • Histamine levels

If you would like to know more about how you can manage your mental health, please contact via my online booking tool.  var initResizer = function() { iframes = iFrameResize({}, "#widget-inline-embed"); }

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